About Us
Gifford Horticultural Society was formed in 1848, initially to “encourage gardening through competition” but over the years has evolved to encourage a wider understanding and enjoyment of gardening, with events through the year.
Now in the 21st Century, we welcome new members who share our love of plants and gardening, whether your enthusiasm is for growing food or ornamental plants, expert or beginner.
Gifford Horticultural Society Constitution

Our Activities
We have activities to suit all ages and levels of gardening experience, with an exciting and varied programme, listed on our Events page. Activities include Talks related to gardening & horticulture, Plant Sales, our annual Outings programme, members' lunch and our two day Flower Show. The Show is one of the oldest and largest two-day tented village shows in Scotland, and includes sections on flowers and vegetables, handicrafts, baking and a special section for children.

Our History
The Society was formed in 1848 to 'encourage gardening through competition'. This was expanded, first in 1937, to 'encourage horticulture in all its branches' then in 1990 to 'advance gardening and horticulture for the public benefit...(and) improve the environmental fabric of the Village and its neighbourhood'.