Flower Show 2022 - Winners
Congratulations to all our Flower Show Trophy Winners!
Lamb Quaich for most points in the pre-school section FREYA DUDGEON
Community Council Cup for most points in 5-7 year old section MARCUS WEDDELL
The G.H.S. Trophy for most points in 8-11 year old section RUTH GRANT
The Harley Plate for Handwriting KAYA KNIGHT
The Lady Maryoth Hay Trophy for the Best Miniature Garden MURRAY WEDDELL
The Harrison Trophy for most points in 12-16 year old section ROSALYN WEDDELL
The Handcraft Salver for Class 815, Best Painting JOHN SHELDON
Willie Bathgate Cup for Class 507. Best basket arrangement of fresh flowers ANN MACKENZIE
The Gifford Quaich for the Best Dish of Fruit KENNETH HYSLOP
The Yvonne Henderson Trophy for Lemon Drizzle Cake DOUGLAS MUIR
The Anna Wilson Trophy for Shortbread BETH SCOTT
The Watson Trophy for the Best Onion Exhibit in the Show JIM WILLIAMS
The Skea Trophy for the Best Exhibit of Tomatoes in show ELAINE AUSTIN
The Saltoun Trophy for the Best Vegetable Exhibit in the Show JIM WILLIAMS
The Duchess Kay Trophy for the Best Fuchsia in show ANDREW BANKS
G.H.S.150th Anniversary Trophy for Best Flowering Pot Plant ANDREW BANKS
Sir Peter Reid Memorial Trophy for Best Exhibit of Sweet Peas SUSAN MARTIN
The Royal British Legion Tankard for best exhibit Hybrid Tea roses JEANIE COLE
The Duncan Fairbairn Trophy for best Dahlia in show KEVIN PATERSON
The Hector Campbell Rose Bowl for Best Exhibit of Floribunda Roses WENDY MORLEY
The David Grindlay Trophy for Best Collection of Vegetables JIM WILLIAMS
The Braidie Trophy for most points in Handicraft Section VERITY CROSSWELL
Lady Tweeddale Trophy for most points in Preserves & Baking Sections SUSANNAH HAMILTON
The Charles K Murphy Trophy for most points Floral Art ANN MACKENZIE
The Vale Trophy for the Best Exhibit in Floral Art ANN MACKENZIE
The David Bell Centenary Rose Bowl for most points in Vegetable and Fruit Section TOM MARTIN
East Lothian Council Trophy for most points in Plants Section ANDREW BANKS
The Royal Bank Trophy for the Best Flower in Show ELAINE AUSTIN
The John Tait Memorial Trophy for most points in Flower Section ANDREW BANKS