2019-2020 Gifford Horti Season - Talks & Events
More detail on each event will be posted through the season, but here it is in a nutshell. All events will take place in Gifford Village Hall at 7.30pm, unless otherwise stated. Ready? Here goes....
Wednesday 9th October Colin Wren from the National Trust for Scotland will be telling us all about the Trust's Gardens in East Lothian & The Borders
Wednesday 13th November Gifford Horticultural Society's AGM and Quiz Night
Wednesday 8th January - 2.30pm
George Anderson on his travels in Chile
Wednesday 12th February John Marshall - Tattie Talk
Wednesday 11th March
Richard Baines, Curator of the wonderful Logan Botanic Gardens
Wednesday 9th April
Horticultural Intersociety Quiz
May (date tbc)
Summer Outing
Saturday 16th May, 10am
Annual Plant Sale
Saturday 12th July
Gifford Village Gardens will open for Scotland's Gardens Scheme
Saturday 15th & Sunday 16th August Gifford Flower Show
